Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012 ,,, A New Year Begins

In a rush, the New Year has begun.   My Father died on October 26th, 2011 after a battle that at the time, seemed as though he would win.   We buried him on November 2nd on a picturesque late afternoon with a soft breeze sifting through the air..  The services were beautiful, recognizing and honoring his life, his Priesthood, his service to his congregations, his love and devotion to his family, his amazing journey through life as an opera singer in Chicago, his belief in living a life with integrity and commitment.  He was given full Military Honors for his service in Korea;  Taps played in the background and the sun setting softly on the horizon.   I try to tell myself that he would have loved it.  In truth, he would have smiled that all if us four daughters were by his side, all received flags in his honor, he had the casket he requested and everyone had more than enough time to come out to pay their respect.

We shared stories, funny Dad-sayings and moments in our childhood that made us smile.
He was an amazing Father,  It's unfortunate that we do not understand the full value of our parents until they have passed away.   There's is a priceless lesson hidden in that heartache.

Now is time to pick up the pieces.  He left behind a business to run;  He had a household he maintained.  He had family, friends, neighbors ,,, He had a life and now he has an estate to settle.

I miss my Father intensely.  He was so supportive of everything I loved to do.  He valued creativity, inventiveness, resilience and individuality.  He found great pride in each and every one of his children, his grandchildren and his great grandchildren.   Some of his favorite times were during family gatherings and dinners at his home,  We would often have dinner on the huge patio, always echoing the unique 'Donald'  distinctive laugh.

It seemed I had just recover from Mom's passing... then Dad died so soon after.   I became so emotionally invested in making sure he would live as long as his mom did.  Just a little more time is what we all wanted.  But there is never enough time ... never. 

I cannot believe they would have left without the full confidence of knowing their children were capable of moving forward and that we would be Okay. 
I have more to say, but later would be better to write it.

Thank You everyone for your condolences received!   Each & everyone is taken to heart & means so much!

Brightest Blessings in the New Year of  2012

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